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Browse & review code on GitHub like in an IDE, with the Sourcegraph Chrome extension

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could review, browse, and search code on GitHub as though you were in an IDE, with jump-to-definition, doc tooltips, and cross-references? We think so. That’s why we built the Sourcegraph Chrome extension for GitHub.

Building a product, one user interview at a time

From the very beginning at Sourcegraph, it’s been our goal to build a product so helpful that people could never go back to programming the old way. Sourcegraph helps developers discover and understand code, and to address such a complex need requires us to deeply understand our users.

The Sourcegraph developer release: A better way to discover and understand code

Today we’re excited to announce a step toward giving every team the power to build better software — the developer release of Sourcegraph, the fast, semantic code search and cross-reference engine.

Appdash, an open source perf tracing suite

Every developer knows they should instrument their app to identify perf bottlenecks, but it’s hard to actually get around to doing it — especially when you’re focused on shipping the latest and greatest features of your site.

Google I/O talk: Building Sourcegraph, a large-scale code search & cross-reference engine in Go

Sourcegraph is a large-scale, multi-language code search and cross-reference engine that indexes hundreds of thousands of open source repositories.

5 easy ways to start contributing to Docker using Sourcegraph

There are many benefits to contributing to a popular open source project like Docker:

Getting started with Sourcegraph

Use Sourcegraph to discover and understand code better

How tech startups test, organize, and review their code

Building software is hard. We hosted a casual dinner here at the Sourcegraph office in downtown San Francisco for ten developers from leading startup software teams.

The pain of code review: how different teams manage, scale, and perform code reviews

We invited ten developers from leading tech startups around the Bay Area to join us for an “off-the-record” dinner to discuss the practice of code review

Why vacation at tech companies should be mandatory: better code, happier people

Can a policy that banks use to combat insider fraud also make tech companies produce better products and happier employees?

The Sourcegraph Test: 12 more steps to better code

Do you use the best tools money can buy? We ask ourselves that a lot at Sourcegraph.