Sourcegraph 3.42 release

July 25, 2022

Update as of July 29: Patch 3.42.1 has been released, which fixes the issue below. If you previously download 3.42.0 and turned off sgm, we recommend upgrading to 3.42.1 and turning on sgm to fix any repo corruption.

Update as of July 27: We identified a bug in Sourcegraph 3.42 that can cause issues with gitserver. We are working to fix this in an upcoming patch. In the meantime, we recommend running version 3.41.

Sourcegraph 3.42 is now available! For this release, we introduced:

Measure the value of Sourcegraph with admin analytics

We believe providing a world-class admin experience is critical for the success of Sourcegraph customers. This starts with enabling administrators to measure and track the value of Sourcegraph within their organization.

Historically, Sourcegraph administrators relied on word-of-mouth feedback from developers, leading to a poor understanding of the value of Sourcegraph within an organization.

In 3.42, we are releasing a completely redesigned analytics experience for administrators. These visualizations will make it easier to understand developer engagement, identify power users, and measure the value of Sourcegraph.

Admin analytics page

New search UI, now in Beta

We're fixing UX papercuts and working to improve the core search experience. 3.42 includes a new, optional Beta UI, which can be enabled via a toggle in the avatar menu. Filters have moved to the right and are now collapsible, search results are more compact and individually expandable, and buttons in the header have been combined to reduce clutter.

This UI is disabled by default but we encourage you to give it a try. We think you'll find it cleaner and easier to use. You can find the toggle below the theme dropdown in the avatar menu.

Search by repository descriptions

We've introduced a new search predicate that enables searching by repository description, for example: repo:has.description(machine learning). Now you can search for interesting repository topics, even if you don't know their names.

This is especially useful for engineers joining new teams or onboarding to a codebase at a new company, so you can quickly find repositories without knowing exactly what you're looking for.

Search for repository by description

Code Insights load faster and include more historical datapoints

Insights running over an explicit list of repos now behave like insights running over all repositories.


  • Backfill 12 historical datapoints (instead of 7)
  • Now load 3-10x faster on future page visits thanks to persisting their datapoints
  • Better handle large results sets and repositories
  • Take daily snapshots of the current state and save it at your defined interval

Code Insights better supports large monorepos

Code Insights now better supports running insights over large monorepos. Insights now use our streaming endpoints to avoid being limited by global network timeouts, have improved retry behavior, and send insights running over explicitly-listed individual monorepos to our persistent backend (see prior highlight above).

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