We're doubling the Cody completions rate limit

Alex Isken
June 8, 2023

As of today, we are doubling the completions rate limit for all developers who are using Cody with a Sourcegraph.com account. Cody now supports 1,000 completions requests per day, per user, for free.

Cody is designed to help developers understand, write, and fix code faster. Over the last several weeks, we’ve seen a percentage of Cody users hit the daily rate limit for completions requests, creating a suboptimal experience. We now can safely handle a higher load of completions requests, so we’ve doubled the rate limit to ensure that Cody is delivering the smooth experience it’s designed for.

What are completions?

Completions are a new feature in the VS Code extension. Cody provides real-time code completions as you're typing. As you start coding, or after you type a comment, Cody will look at the context around your open files and file history to predict what you're trying to implement and provide completions. It's autocomplete powered by Cody!

We quietly released completions in May, and we’ve been collecting feedback since then. We rate limit completions based on completions requests to the LLM (which are effectively suggested completions, not accepted completions), and we’re seeing that the initial limit of 500 isn’t enough for many users.

Get started with Cody completions

Completions are now available for all Cody users connected to Sourcegraph.com as an experimental feature, and you can turn them on in the VS Code settings panel. If you’re new to Cody, you can sign up for a free Sourcegraph.com account to get access.

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