Cody for VS Code v1.4.0 release
Cody for VS Code v1.4.0 is now available and includes a completely reworked Generate Unit Tests command, a new code editing menu, Ask Cody to Explain support for terminal output, easier access to Cody commands from chat, faster autocomplete, and more.
Generate Unit Tests: File creation
We’ve redeveloped the Generate Unit Tests command so instead of outputting the test code into chat it now uses the LLM to automatically find or generate the matching unit test file, and streams the result directly into the file. No more copy and pasting from chat.
Edit: Keyboard shortcut hints
There are two new keyboard shortcuts when you’re in an editor: Alt/Opt+K to Edit, and Alt/Opt+L to Chat. You can also now enable hints for these commands in the settings menu:
Edits: New code editing options
When you trigger a code edit we now show a menu that allows you to choose the range for your code edit, and try out different LLMs.
Chat: Ask Cody to Explain terminal output
You can now ask Cody to explain terminal output, such as error messages, without needing to copy and paste, using the new Ask Cody to Explain option. To use it, select some terminal output, right click, and select “Ask Cody to Explain”.
Chat: Access Cody commands from chat
You can now access the Cody command palette using the Cody button at the top of any Cody chat window:

Autocomplete: Faster suggestions
After a number of optimizations in autocomplete logic, and improved traffic routing between the extension and LLM providers, autocompletions for Cody Free & Cody Pro are now 12.10% faster for single line completions, and 11.86% faster for multi-line completions.

Autocomplete: Easier access to settings
We’ve added a settings button for autocomplete, providing quicker access to your Cody autocomplete settings. There’s also a new setting for disabling completions in code comments.
Autocomplete: Improved multi-line completion quality
We’ve changed the multi-line suggestion algorithm to reduce lower quality completions. Multi-line completions are now only generated for the following file types: c, cpp, csharp, css, dart, elixir, go, html, java, javascript, javascriptreact, php, python, rust, svelte, typescript, typescriptreact, vue.
See the changelog and GitHub releases for a complete list of changes.
Thank you
Cody wouldn’t be what it is without our amazing contributors 💖 A big thank you to everyone who contributed, filed issues, and sent us feedback.