Cody for JetBrains v6.0.16: Shortcut display updates and bug fixes

Alex Isken
July 25, 2024

Cody for JetBrains v6.0.16 is now available! This release includes quality-of-life updates to how shortcuts are displayed in the plugin and several bug fixes.

Updates to shortcut hints

We’ve made several changes to keyboard shortcut hints to make sure they’re helpful without being distracting.

Shortcuts on startup

The plugin now displays a welcome message with shortcut hints on startup to help new and returning users jump back into using Cody.

Welcome message with keyboard shortcuts

Edit command actions now show shortcuts after running

After running an Edit Code action, Cody presents four options:

  • Accept
  • Undo
  • Edit & Retry (adjust your edit prompt)
  • Show Diff

The post-edit UI now shows the keyboard shortcuts for each action.

Code Edit command showing keyboard shortcuts

Removed inline edit command hints

Previously, Cody displayed an Edit Code hint (Ctrl + Alt + ↵ to Edit) inline with any code you had highlighted. We heard your feedback that this shortcut was often distracting, so we’ve removed it.

Context files are formatted for readability

The displayed file paths for remote context items are now formatted for easier readability. This update applies to Cody Enterprise users who are using remote repository context.

The old and new file path format for remote context items

Bug fixes

Cmd+Enter correctly triggers code edits

The Cmd + ↵ shortcut for running the Edit Code command was not working for some users. This bug is now fixed.

"Cody is disabled on this file" message

The message “Cody is disabled on this file” appeared in error for some users. This message pertains to Context Filters, a Cody Enterprise feature, and it should only appear when an admin has restricted files. This bug is now fixed.


See the changelog and GitHub releases for a complete list of changes.

Thank you

Cody wouldn’t be what it is without our amazing contributors 💖 A big thank you to everyone who contributed, filed issues, and sent us feedback.

As always, we value your feedback in our support forum and on Discord. Happy Codying!

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